Monday, February 28, 2011

The Google Shakeup and Ehow

In the midst of the major Google drama going down right now, everyone is waiting to see how that is affecting their own articles from residual sites, on their own sites and blogs and what content sites will be doing to change thing. Ezine has made some very quick changes, including more screening of content and raising the minimum length to 400 words. Ever since they threatened to make their links nofollow the other day, however, I think I'm done with them. I'm not contributing full-length work for free and then not know if that work will suddenly result in no benefit. No thanks.

The Google algorithm change has had me pretty spooked for the past few days. When you're self-employed, there are no sick days. You don't work- you don't get paid. I've cultivated a lot of residual income to give me a few days per month just in case I need sick days or just I-don't-feel-like-working days. Threatening to throw all of that work and security away freaked me out. And frankly, it pissed me off.

But after more consideration, I actually think that the market may get better. I lose a lot of jobs to hacks who will work for cheap because they don't have a degree, don't have any real professional writing experience and who write poorly for audiences who can't tell the difference. Now, that type of content is not going to be so much in demand. It's a waste of time and a waste of money if you actually want your content read.

As for eHow, I see no difference in revenues since the Google change on the 24th. I'm not a keyword stuffer anyway, so maybe that's why I've had decent results. My eHow revenues, both through my own eHow account and through Demand Media rev shares, are steady and are actually higher than ever when you look at per-day earnings. If February had 30 days, this would be a record month for both accounts. So, I am not worrying that much about the Google change. If you write good content and you don't keyword stuff, I doubt there is much to worry about.