Friday, April 9, 2010

Other Places to Put Your eHow Articles

If you choose to take your eHow articles down and place them somewhere that doesn't have guidelines that allow the site to stop paying you for no reason (that is literally a part of the new eHow guidelines), there are many places that you can place the articles. Here are some of the best choices:

With HubPages, you can publish your eHow articles on hubs, the HubPages word for an article page. Each hub can earn you AdSense earnings, Amazon affiliate earnings and eBay earnings. This site is one of my biggest AdSense earners, so I find it very worthwhile. I also make regular Amazon and eBay affiliate sales from it.

Triond is a content company that will publish your articles on a variety of subject-specific sites. With this one, you are paid a revenue share directly from Triond as well as getting a direct share of the AdSense revenue.

FireHow is a site that I have not yet tried, but it is getting some favorable reviews from Web writers that I know. it works similarly to eHow, but page views are factored instead of pure rev shares.

Constant Content
Constant Content is a fantastic site that have been using for years to generate a monthly stream of income. The site does accept articles that have been published elsehwere, but they must be sold for usage rights instead of the full copyrights. The

All of these sites can continue to earn you a share of your article revenue every month. These sites all accept articles that have already been published online, but deleting them from eHow first is a better SEO strategy. If you keep your eHow articles up on more than one site, it can damage your page rank standing. However in my opinion it's better to put your eHow articles up on one of these sites and then deleting them from eHow is the best strategy. It may take longer to delete eHow articles now, but if they are on a site that doesn't have unfavorable guidelines, the earnings are far safer.

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